I only have played Liar! Uncover the Truth, and Love 365 in the past. But does anyone know which game the idol unit Clarity is in? Is it in Anidol Colors?
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I only have played Liar! Uncover the Truth, and Love 365 in the past. But does anyone know which game the idol unit Clarity is in? Is it in Anidol Colors?
Due to changes in the Fandom guidelines, Voltage Inc Wiki will be undergoing renovations. Our main focus is to ensure all pages display all information and forgoing the use of the old Tabber function (it doesn't appear properly on mobile devices), that being said please bear with us as we make these changes.
Thank you.
As we may know Voltage Inc. doesn't let us share the CGs and other assets such as BGMs, videos, etc. from the game. It's really annoying though because as a player I don't have a lot of money to buy all of the stories in the app but at the same time, I want to see the CGs. That's why I came with this idea...
We are going to swag in a Discord server! Please join by clicking the link below!
I just finished setting up the server so I apologize if the chat rooms are still empty but I hope you can keep being active there and invite your mutual friends who love playing Love 365 too to join.
I also want to work together with the wiki admins (please notice me, admins!) to help improve the wiki and prevent vandalism like this Leon page.
Hello Voltage Inc Wiki! I'm Flanqer, and I'm the Fandom Wiki Manager for your community. I'm here to help you with any questions or issues, and to be a liaison to full-time Fandom Staff. If any of you have questions related to the wiki, whether it's about editing, styling, infoboxes, policy, etc, please contact me on my message wall.
Not a stranger to the apps at all but needing more people to talk about them with! This is the only active-ish forum ive been able to find and would love to join a chat on whatever platform people are using! be it telegram or discord!
I've just discovered Voltage games and I'd like to buy/download some of them, but I don't own a mobile phone and only have a laptop PC.
Is it possible to buy and download these games to my PC, please?
Heyyy! So idk if any of you guys are on jt but there is a scm server on discord if anyone wants to join just let me know and I will add you:)
I don't know if you've all gotten wind of what Voltage plans to do with their standalone games?
Well in case you haven't they've come to a hard decision that they will be removing ALL of them. And since the games will no longer be here with us, I've decided we should all capture what made each game unique and we place it onto the wikia. Right now, I'm collecting all of the ones I have so that I can save it and add it onto the wikia later.
So I'm just gonna list out the games I will be taking screenshots of so there won't be duplicates:
But feel free to let me know what you guys will be putting. I've basically screenshot almost anything I can find XD.
Hey guys,
Just wanted your input on something - the navigation boxes. On other wikias, at the bottom of the pages of the characters, there's a box that lists out respective characters/games/items that are associated with said character; for faster access to the readers' wants.
So I want to know what we should put on there.
What I have in mind, are of course, the respective characters within a game and substories. I also plan to have the designs of the games as the background and headers of these templates (more research and work for me TTOTT). So if you have any other ideas you think would go great on these navigation boxes, let me know!
Much appreciated guys! :D
in voltage's most recent games released globally, bad boys do it better! and era of samurai: code of love, they have incorporated the coin system. i personally do not see any point in this system, and i find it actually somewhat tediously annoying; i'd much rather have the initial ways of just pay and read.
do you think the coin system should be used, or should they go back to the pay-and-read method?
I am not sure if all of you were of this but on social media, such as tumblr, there were some accounts whose posts were removed without warning by a Voltage employee. Originally, Voltage was not aware of this but they have now posted an update on this situation.
I will link that statement here. PLEASE READ THIS.
One important thing you must notice about this, is that Voltage states that the CGs from the paid apps are also prohibited.
It's been long over due guys - we seriously need a new background... What should it be? I'm thinking something that represents the new game. What about you guys?
Hey guys, so as you know, there are multiple games that do not have a paid version. And some games have both the paid and free version (most of which are still in Japanese).
So, I wanted to ask you all, for the games that have both a paid and free version, should we just include this little detail in the Trivia or expand it to it's own little thing (e.g. Kissed by the Baddest Bidder has one in Japanese)? With this, there are some characters who are only available in the free version and this we'll make character pages for (e.g. Mad Hatter and Ryuo from Be My Princess 2 Gree (?, if that's what it's called).
As for the ones that only specifically have the free version - it will have it's own page.
Hey I want to know whether these Voltage history, there are also manga and anime ??
A little something to introduce yourselves (considering I have a tendency to ask these questions anyway) and it'll save time without the need to constantly repeat them ^^. I hope, that is.
So, here are the questions fellow Voltage fans:
1. How did you discover Voltage??
2. What made you fall in love with it?
3. What're your favorite games and why?
4. What're your favorite characters?
5. And your type of guy that you tend to play first.
6. And... If you worked for Voltage, what would be your job?
Woo! Let's break the ice (I know, lame XD)!
Oh my, I'm kind of surprised the forums aren't more busy.
Maybe I'll start us off! I only recently discovered Voltage games and have only played Enchanted in the Moonlight so far. I absolutely looooooved it though! Normally I would never pay for an app, but I'm so happy I decided to just try it.
I'm currently deciding if I want to start another Voltage game. Right now, I'm leaning towards Be My Princess. I guess my question really is then, should I go for this one or can anyone recommend me another one that is their favourite?