This list contains the games that have been created by Voltage Inc.
Trending pages
Love 365: Find Your Story -
Star-Crossed Myth -
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder -
Liar! Uncover the Truth -
Samurai Love Ballad -
Gossip Girl Party -
Our Two Bedroom Story -
Romance MD: Always On Call
All items (182)
- File:Bad Boys Do it Better - Title.jpg
- Bad Boys Do It Better!
- File:BBDIB - Game Icon.png
- Be My Princess 2
- Be My Princess/Novel
- Be My Princess/Party
- File:BMP - Game Icon.png
- File:BMP - JP Game Icon.png
- File:BMP2 - Game Icon.png
- File:BMP2 - JP Game Icon.png
- File:BUM - Game Icon.png
- File:BUM - JP Game Icon.png
- Butler Until Midnight
- File:Butler Until Midnight - Title.png
- File:Butler Until Midnight Intro.jpg
- Kasei-fu ★ Koi wa Keiyaku Kara
- File:Kasei-fu ★ Koi wa Keiyaku Kara - Title.jpg
- File:KBTBB - JP Game Icon.png
- Kimi o Aisu, Nandodemo
- File:Kimi o Aisu, Nandodemo.jpg
- Kings of Paradise
- File:Kings of Paradise - Title.jpg
- Kiss Me on Clover Hill
- File:Kiss Me on Clover Hill - Title.jpg
- Kiss of Revenge
- Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
- File:KMOCH - JP Game Icon.png
- Koi no Tsudzuki wa Hanemun de
- File:Koi no Tsudzuki wa Hanemūn de.jpg
- File:Koibito wa Dōkyonin - Life with My Sweet Hearts - JP Game Icon.png
- File:Koihito wa Dōkyonin - Title.jpg
- File:KOR - JP Game Icon.png
- Kyanpasu ★ Ren'ai Hakusho
- File:Kyanpasu ★ Ren'ai Hakusho.jpg
- Masquerade Kiss
- Metro PD: Close to You
- File:MFW - JP Game Icon.png
- File:MLFK - JP Game Icon.png
- File:MPDCTY - JP Game Icon.png
- File:MSB - JP Game Icon.png
- File:MWA7R - JP Game Icon.png
- File:My Forged Wedding.mp4-0
- My Forged Wedding/Novel
- My Last First Kiss
- File:My Last First Kiss - Title.png
- My Sweet Bodyguard
- My Wedding and 7 Rings
- File:My Wedding and 7 Rings - Opening Movie Voltage
- File:My Wedding and 7 Rings Charac Intro.jpg
- File:My Wedding and 7 Rings Relationship Chart.png
- File:My Wedding and 7 Rings.jpg
- File:Myforgedwedding.png
- File:SAC - JP Game Icon.png
- File:Sakura Amidst Chaos - Opening Movie Voltage
- Sakura Amidst Chaos/Novel
- Samurai Love Ballad
- Scandal in the Spotlight
- File:Scandal in the Spotlight - Charac Intro.jpg
- File:Scandal in the Spotlight - Opening Movie Voltage
- File:Scandal in the Spotlight.jpg
- File:SCM - JP Game Icon.png
- Seduced in the Sleepless City
- Seduced in the Sleepless City/Party
- Serendipity Next Door
- Shin Seizon Ritsu 0%! Chikatetsu Kara no Dasshutsu
- File:Shinsengumi ga Aishita Onna - JP Game Icon.png
- File:Shinsengumi ga Aishita Onna Title.jpg
- File:SITS - JP Game Icon.png
- File:SITSC - JP Game Icon.png
- File:SITSC Charac Intro.jpg
- File:SND - Game Icon.png
- File:SND - JP Game Icon.png
- Star-Crossed Myth
- File:Star-Crossed Myth - Charac Intro.jpg
- File:Star-Crossed Myth.png
- Sweet Cafe
- File:Sweet Cafe - JP Game Icon.png
- File:TBRIS JP Game Icon.png
- File:Tenka Touitsu Koi no Ran Title.jpg
- File:The Jealous Boyfriend ~Riku~.jpg
- File:TLSL - Game Icon.png
- File:TLSL - JP Game Icon.png
- File:TLSL Charac Intro.jpg
- File:Tohiko ~Ai no Sentaku~ - JP Game Icon.png
- File:Tohiko ~Ai no Sentaku~ - Relationship Chart.png
- File:Tohiko ~Ai no Sentaku~ Charac Intro.jpg
- True Love Sweet Lies
- File:True Love Sweet Lies OP
- File:True Love Sweet Lies Start.png
- File:Tōhikō ~Ai no Sentaku~ Title.jpg